getAuthorisedGroups()); //print_r ($group); if(count($group)<2){ $group[0]=1; $group[1]=1; } $access = $my->getAuthorisedViewLevels(); //echo count($swmenufree_array); for($i=0;$i $swmenu['TITLE'], "URL" => $swmenu['URL'] , "ID" => $swmenu['ID'] , "PARENT" => $swmenu['PARENT'] , "ORDER" => $swmenu['ORDER'], "TARGET" => $swmenu['TARGET'],"ACCESS" => $swmenu['ACCESS'] ); } } if(count($final_menu)&&$valid){ $final_menu = chainfree('ID', 'PARENT', 'ORDER', $final_menu, $parent_id, 25); }else{ $final_menu=array(); } // echo count($final_menu); return $final_menu; } function swGetMenuLinksFree($menu,$id,$hybrid,$use_tables){ $database = &JFactory::getDBO(); $config=&JFactory::getConfig(); $time_offset=0; $now = date( "Y-m-d H:i:s", time()+$time_offset*60*60 ); $swmenufree_array=array(); if ($menu=="swcontentmenu") { $sql = "SELECT #__categories.* FROM #__categories WHERE #__categories.extension='com_content' AND #__categories.published = 1 ORDER BY lft "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result = $database->loadObjectList(); for($i=0;$iid; }else{ $url="index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=".$result2->id; } $swmenufree_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result2->id , "SECURE" => 0 ,"PARENT" => $result2->parent_id , "ORDER" => $result2->lft, "TARGET" => 0,"ACCESS" => $result2->access ); } $sql = "SELECT #__content.* FROM #__content INNER JOIN #__categories ON #__content.catid = WHERE #__content.state = 1 AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' ) ORDER BY #__content.ordering "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result = $database->loadObjectList(); for($i=0;$iid ; $swmenufree_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $result2->id+10000 ,"SECURE" => 0 , "PARENT" => $result2->catid , "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "TARGET" => 0,"ACCESS" => $result2->access ); } }else if ($menu == "virtuemart" || $menu == "virtueprod") { $sql = "SELECT #__vm_category.* ,#__vm_category_xref.* FROM #__vm_category INNER JOIN #__vm_category_xref ON #__vm_category_xref.category_child_id= #__vm_category.category_id AND #__vm_category.category_publish = 'Y' ORDER BY #__vm_category.list_order "; $database->setQuery($sql); $result = $database->loadObjectList(); for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) { $result2 = $result[$i]; $url = "index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.browse&category_id=" . $result2->category_id . "&Itemid=" . ($Itemid) ; $swmenufree_array[] = array( "TITLE" => $result2->category_name, "URL" => $url, "ID" => ($result2->category_id + 10000), "SECURE" => 0, "PARENT" => ($result2->category_parent_id ? (($result2->category_parent_id + 10000)) : 0), "ORDER" => $result2->list_order, "TARGET" => 0, "ACCESS" => 1, ); if ($menu == "virtueprod") { $sql = "SELECT #__vm_product.* ,#__vm_product_category_xref.* FROM #__vm_product INNER JOIN #__vm_product_category_xref ON #__vm_product_category_xref.product_id= #__vm_product.product_id AND #__vm_product.product_publish = 'Y' AND #__vm_product_category_xref.category_id = $result2->category_id "; $database->setQuery($sql); $result3 = $database->loadObjectList(); for ($j = 0; $j < count($result3); $j++) { $result4 = $result3[$j]; $url = "index.php?option=com_virtuemart&page=shop.product_details&flypage=shop.flypage&product_id=" . $result4->product_id . "&category_id=" . $result4->category_id . "&manufacturer_id=" . $result4->vendor_id . "&Itemid=" . ($Itemid) ; $swmenufree_array[] = array( "TITLE" => $result4->product_name, "URL" => $url, "ID" => ($result4->product_id + 100000), "SECURE" => 0, "PARENT" => ($result2->category_id ? (($result2->category_id + 10000)) : 0), "ORDER" => $result2->list_order, "TARGET" => 0, "ACCESS" => 1, ); } } } } else if ($menu == "virtuemart2" || $menu == "virtueprod2") { $sql = "SELECT #__virtuemart_configs.config FROM #__virtuemart_configs WHERE #__virtuemart_configs.virtuemart_config_id=1"; $database->setQuery($sql); $result=$database->loadResult(); // echo "config=".$result; //print_r($result); $config = explode('|', $result); foreach($config as $item){ $item = explode('=',$item); if(!empty($item[1])){ // if($item[0]!=='offline_message' && $item[0]!=='dateformat' ){ if($item[0]!=='offline_message' ){ $pair[$item[0]] = unserialize($item[1] ); } else { $pair[$item[0]] = unserialize(base64_decode($item[1]) ); } } else { $pair[$item[0]] =''; } } //$result=$jlang->getDefault(); //print_r($pair); $vmlang= $pair['vmlang']?$pair['vmlang']:"en_gb"; $sql = "SELECT #__virtuemart_categories_".$vmlang.".* ,#__virtuemart_category_categories.*,#__virtuemart_categories.* FROM #__virtuemart_categories,#__virtuemart_categories_".$vmlang." INNER JOIN #__virtuemart_category_categories ON #__virtuemart_category_categories.category_child_id= #__virtuemart_categories_".$vmlang.".virtuemart_category_id WHERE #__virtuemart_categories.virtuemart_category_id=#__virtuemart_categories_".$vmlang.".virtuemart_category_id AND #__virtuemart_categories.published='1' ORDER BY #__virtuemart_categories.ordering "; $database->setQuery($sql); $result = $database->loadObjectList(); //echo count($result); for ($i = 0; $i < count($result); $i++) { $result2 = $result[$i]; $url = "index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=category&virtuemart_category_id=" . $result2->virtuemart_category_id ; $swmenufree_array[] = array( "TITLE" => $result2->category_name, "URL" => $url, "ID" => ($result2->virtuemart_category_id + 10000), "SECURE" => 0, "PARENT" => ($result2->category_parent_id ? (($result2->category_parent_id + 10000)) : 0), "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "TARGET" => 0, "ACCESS" => 1, ); if ($menu == "virtueprod2") { $sql = "SELECT #__virtuemart_products_".$vmlang.".* ,#__virtuemart_product_categories.*,#__virtuemart_products.* FROM #__virtuemart_products,#__virtuemart_products_".$vmlang." INNER JOIN #__virtuemart_product_categories ON #__virtuemart_product_categories.virtuemart_product_id= #__virtuemart_products_".$vmlang.".virtuemart_product_id WHERE #__virtuemart_products.virtuemart_product_id=#__virtuemart_products_".$vmlang.".virtuemart_product_id AND #__virtuemart_product_categories.virtuemart_category_id = $result2->virtuemart_category_id AND #__virtuemart_products.published='1' "; $database->setQuery($sql); $result3 = $database->loadObjectList(); // echo count($result3); for ($j = 0; $j < count($result3); $j++) { $result4 = $result3[$j]; $url = "index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=productdetails&virtuemart_product_id=" . $result4->virtuemart_product_id . "&virtuemart_category_id=" . $result4->virtuemart_category_id; $swmenufree_array[] = array( "TITLE" => $result4->product_name, "URL" => $url, "ID" => ($result4->virtuemart_product_id + 100000), "SECURE" => 0, "PARENT" => ($result2->virtuemart_category_id ? (($result2->virtuemart_category_id + 10000)) : 0), "ORDER" => $result2->ordering, "TARGET" => 0, "ACCESS" => 1, ); } } } } else { if ($hybrid){ $sql = "SELECT #__content.* FROM #__content INNER JOIN #__categories ON #__content.catid = WHERE #__content.state = 1 AND ( publish_up = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_up <= '$now' ) AND ( publish_down = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' OR publish_down >= '$now' ) ORDER BY #__content.catid,#__content.ordering "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $hybrid_content = $database->loadObjectList(); //print_r($hybrid_content); $sql = "SELECT,#__categories.title,#__categories.parent_id,#__categories.lft,#__categories.published,#__categories.access FROM #__categories WHERE #__categories.published =1 AND #__categories.extension='com_content' ORDER BY #__categories.lft DESC "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $hybrid_cat = $database->loadObjectList(); //print_r($hybrid_cat); //print_r($hybrid_cat); //echo $hybrid_cat[1]->published; } $sql = "SELECT #__menu.* FROM #__menu WHERE #__menu.menutype = '".$menu."' AND published = '1' ORDER BY parent_id "; $database->setQuery( $sql ); $result = $database->loadObjectList(); //jimport( 'joomla.html.application' ); $swmenufree_array=array(); //echo $preview; $preview=JRequest::getVar( 'preview', 0 ); //echo $preview; if(!$preview){$menu_items =& JSite::getMenu();} //print_r ($menu_items); // echo $config->getValue('language'); $language=$config->get('language'); for($i=0;$igetActive(); if(!$preview){ $params =& $menu_items->getParams($result2->id); $iSecure= $params->get( 'secure',0 ); }else{$iSecure=0;} switch ($result2->type) { case 'separator'; $mylink = "javascript:void(0);"; break; case 'url': $mylink = $result2->link; if (preg_match( "/index.php\?/i", $result2->link )) { if (!preg_match( "/Itemid=/i", $result2->link )) { $mylink .= "&Itemid=$result2->id"; } } break; case 'menulink'; $mylink = $result2->link; break; case 'alias'; if(!$preview){ $alias = $params->get( 'aliasoptions',$result2->id ); }else{$alias="";} //$mylink = $result2->link; //echo $test; $mylink = "index.php?Itemid=".$alias; break; default: $mylink = "index.php?Itemid=".$result2->id; break; } if($result2->language==$language || $result2->language=="*"){ //echo "parent ".$result2->language." order ".$result2->lft; $swmenufree_array[] =array("TITLE" => $result2->title, "URL" => $mylink , "ID" => $result2->id ,"SECURE" => $iSecure, "PARENT" => $result2->parent_id , "ORDER" => $result2->lft, "TARGET" => $result2->browserNav,"ACCESS" => $result2->access ); } if ($hybrid){ $opt=array(); parse_str($result2->link, $opt); $opt['view'] = @$opt['view'] ? $opt['view']: 0; $opt['id'] = @$opt['id'] ? $opt['id']: 0; //echo $opt['id']; if (($opt['view']=="category" || $opt['view']=="categories") && $result2->id != 472) { //echo "hello"; for($j=0;$jcatid; if($row->catid==$opt['id']){ //echo "hello"; $url="index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=".$row->catid."&id=" . $row->id ."&Itemid=".$result2->id; $swmenufree_array[] =array("TITLE" => $row->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $row->id+100000 ,"SECURE" => $iSecure, "PARENT" => $result2->id , "ORDER" => $row->ordering, "TARGET" => 0,"ACCESS" => $row->access ); } } for($j=0;$jparent_id==$opt['id'] && $opt['id']){ //$j=count($hybrid_cat); if(!$use_tables){ $url="index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=".$row->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id; }else{ $url="index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=".$row->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id; } $swmenufree_array[] =array("TITLE" => $row->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $row->id+10000 ,"SECURE" => $iSecure, "PARENT" => $result2->id , "ORDER" => $row->lft, "TARGET" => 0,"ACCESS" => $row->access ); for($n=0;$nparent_id==$row->id){ //echo "hello"; if(!$use_tables){ $url="index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=".$row3->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id; }else{ $url="index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=".$row3->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id; } $swmenufree_array[] =array("TITLE" => $row3->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $row3->id+10000 ,"SECURE" => $iSecure, "PARENT" => $row->id+10000 , "ORDER" => $row->lft, "TARGET" => 0,"ACCESS" => $row->access ); for($k=0;$kcatid==$row3->id){ $url="index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=".$row->id."&id=" . $row2->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id ; $swmenufree_array[] =array("TITLE" => $row2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $row2->id+100000 ,"SECURE" => $iSecure , "PARENT" => $row3->id+10000 , "ORDER" => $row2->ordering, "TARGET" => 0,"ACCESS" => $row2->access ); } } for($m=0;$mparent_id==$row3->id){ //echo "hello"; if(!$use_tables){ $url="index.php?option=com_content&view=category&id=".$row4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id; }else{ $url="index.php?option=com_content&view=category&layout=blog&id=".$row4->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id; } $swmenufree_array[] =array("TITLE" => $row4->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $row4->id+10000 ,"SECURE" => $iSecure, "PARENT" => $row3->id+10000 , "ORDER" => $row->lft, "TARGET" => 0,"ACCESS" => $row->access ); for($k=0;$kcatid==$row4->id){ $url="index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=".$row->id."&id=" . $row2->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id ; $swmenufree_array[] =array("TITLE" => $row2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $row2->id+100000 ,"SECURE" => $iSecure , "PARENT" => $row4->id+10000 , "ORDER" => $row2->ordering, "TARGET" => 0,"ACCESS" => $row2->access ); } } } } } } for($k=0;$kcatid==$row->id){ $url="index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=".$row->id."&id=" . $row2->id."&Itemid=".$result2->id ; $swmenufree_array[] =array("TITLE" => $row2->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $row2->id+100000 ,"SECURE" => $iSecure , "PARENT" => $row->id+10000 , "ORDER" => $row2->ordering, "TARGET" => 0,"ACCESS" => $row2->access ); } } } } /* for($j=0;$jcatid; if($row->catid==$opt['id']){ //echo "hello"; $url="index.php?option=com_content&view=article&catid=".$row->catid."&id=" . $row->id ."&Itemid=".$result2->id; $swmenupro_array[] =array("TITLE" => $row->title, "URL" => $url , "ID" => $row->id+100000 ,"SECURE" => $iSecure, "PARENT" => $result2->id , "ORDER" => $row->ordering, "IMAGE" => $row->image, "IMAGEOVER" => $row->image_over, "SHOWNAME" => $row->show_name, "IMAGEALIGN" => $row->image_align, "TARGETLEVEL" => $row->target_level, "TARGET" => 0,"ACCESS" => $row->access,"NCSS" => $row->normal_css,"OCSS" => $row->over_css,"SHOWITEM" => $row->show_item ); } } */ }else if ($opt['view']=="blogsection" || $opt['view']=="section" ) { //echo "hello"; } } } } return $swmenufree_array; } function chainFree($primary_field, $parent_field, $sort_field, $rows, $root_id = 0, $maxlevel = 25) { $c = new chainFree($primary_field, $parent_field, $sort_field, $rows, $root_id, $maxlevel); return $c->chainFreemenu_table; } class chainFree { var $table; var $rows; var $chainFreemenu_table; var $primary_field; var $parent_field; var $sort_field; function chainFree($primary_field, $parent_field, $sort_field, $rows, $root_id, $maxlevel) { $this->rows = $rows; $this->primary_field = $primary_field; $this->parent_field = $parent_field; $this->sort_field = $sort_field; $this->buildchainFree($root_id, $maxlevel); } function buildchainFree($rootcatid, $maxlevel) { foreach ($this->rows as $row) { $this->table[$row[$this->parent_field]][$row[$this->primary_field]] = $row; } $this->makeBranch($rootcatid, 0, $maxlevel); } function makeBranch($parent_id, $level, $maxlevel) { $rows = $this->table[$parent_id]; // $key_array1 = array_keys($rows); // $key_array_size1 = sizeOf($key_array1); //for ($j=0;$j<$key_array_size1;$j++) foreach ($rows as $key => $value) { //$key = $key_array1[$j]; $rows[$key]['key'] = $this->sort_field; } usort($rows, 'chainFreemenuCMP'); //$row_array = array_values($rows); // $row_array_size = sizeOf($row_array); $i = 0; foreach ($rows as $item) { //$item = $row_array[$i]; $item['ORDER'] = ($i + 1); $item['indent'] = $level; $i++; $this->chainFreemenu_table[] = $item; if ((isset($this->table[$item[$this->primary_field]])) && (($maxlevel > $level + 1) || ($maxlevel == 0))) { $this->makeBranch($item[$this->primary_field], $level + 1, $maxlevel); } } } } function chainFreemenuCMP($a, $b) { if ($a[$a['key']] == $b[$b['key']]) { return 0; } return($a[$a['key']] < $b[$b['key']]) ? -1 : 1; } function transMenuFree($ordered, $swmenufree) { $live_site = JURI::base(); if (substr($live_site, (strlen($live_site) - 1), 1) == "/") { $live_site = substr($live_site, 0, (strlen($live_site) - 1)); } if (substr($live_site, (strlen($live_site) - 13), 13) == "administrator") { $live_site = substr($live_site, 0, (strlen($live_site) - 14)); } if (substr($live_site, (strlen($live_site) - 1), 1) != "/") { $live_site =$live_site."/" ; } $str = ""; $name = ""; $topcounter = 0; $counter = 0; $number = count(chainFree('ID', 'PARENT', 'ORDER', $ordered, $swmenufree['parentid'], 1)); $str .= "
\n"; $str .= " \n"; if (substr($swmenufree['orientation'], 0, 10) == "horizontal") { $str.= " \n"; } foreach ($ordered as $top) { if ($top['indent'] == 0) { $top['URL'] = str_replace('&', '&', $top['URL']); $topcounter++; $name = $top['TITLE']; if (substr($swmenufree['orientation'], 0, 8) == "vertical") { $str.= " \n"; } if (($topcounter == $number) && ($top["ID"] == $swmenufree['active_menu'])) { $str.= " \n"; if (substr($swmenufree['orientation'], 0, 8) == "vertical") { $str.= " \n"; } } $counter++; } if (substr($swmenufree['orientation'], 0, 10) == "horizontal") { $str.= " \n"; } $str .= "
\n"; } else if ($top["ID"] == $swmenufree['active_menu']) { $str.= " \n"; } else if ($topcounter == $number) { $str.= " \n"; } else { $str.= " \n"; } if ((@$ordered[$counter + 1]['indent'] > $top['indent']) && $swmenufree['top_sub_indicator']) { $name = "" . $name; } switch ($top['TARGET']) { // cases are slightly different case 1: // open in a new window $str.= '' . $name . '' . "\n"; break; case 2: // open in a popup window $str.= "" . $name . "\n"; break; case 3: // don't link it $str.= '' . $name . '' . "\n"; break; default: // formerly case 2 $str.= ''; $str.= $name . '' . "\n"; break; } //$counter++; $str.= "

\n"; $str.= "
\n"; $str.="
\n"; return $str; } function findParFree($ordered, $sub) { $submenu = chainFree('ID', 'PARENT', 'ORDER', $ordered, $sub['PARENT'], 1); if ($sub['indent'] == 1) { return $submenu[0]['PARENT']; } else { return $submenu[0]['ID']; } } function GosuMenuFree($ordered, $swmenufree) { $live_site = JURI::base(); if (substr($live_site, (strlen($live_site) - 1), 1) == "/") { $live_site = substr($live_site, 0, (strlen($live_site) - 1)); } if (substr($live_site, (strlen($live_site) - 13), 13) == "administrator") { $live_site = substr($live_site, 0, (strlen($live_site) - 14)); } if (substr($live_site, (strlen($live_site) - 1), 1) != "/") { $live_site =$live_site."/" ; } $sub_active = 0; $name = ""; $counter = 0; $doMenu = 1; $number = count($ordered); $topcount = 0; $str = "
\n"; $str .= " \n"; if ($swmenufree['orientation'] == "horizontal/down" || $swmenufree['orientation'] == "horizontal" || $swmenufree['orientation'] == "horizontal/left" || $swmenufree['orientation'] == "horizontal/up") { $str .= " \n"; } while ($doMenu) { if ($ordered[$counter]['indent'] == 0) { $ordered[$counter]['URL'] = str_replace('&', '&', $ordered[$counter]['URL']); $name = ($ordered[$counter]['TITLE']); if ($swmenufree['orientation'] == "vertical/right" || $swmenufree['orientation'] == "vertical" || $swmenufree['orientation'] == "vertical/left") { $str .= " \n"; } $act = 0; if (islastFree($ordered, $counter)) { if (($ordered[$counter]['ID'] == $swmenufree['active_menu'])) { $str .= " \n"; if ($swmenufree['orientation'] == "vertical/right" || $swmenufree['orientation'] == "vertical/left" || $swmenufree['orientation'] == "vertical") { $str .= " \n"; } if ($counter == ($number)) { $doMenu = 0; } } if ($swmenufree['orientation'] == "horizontal/down" || $swmenufree['orientation'] == "horizontal/left" || $swmenufree['orientation'] == "horizontal/up" || $swmenufree['orientation'] == "horizontal") { $str .= " \n"; } $str .= "
\n"; $act = 1; } else { $str .= " \n"; } } else { if (($ordered[$counter]['ID'] == $swmenufree['active_menu'])) { $str .= " \n"; $act = 1; } else { $str .= " \n"; } } $topcount++; // echo $top_sub_indicator; $classname = "item1"; if ($ordered[$counter]['indent'] > @$ordered[$counter - 1]['indent']) { $classname .= " first"; } if (($counter + 1 == $number) || islastFree($ordered, $counter)) { $classname .= " last"; } if (($counter + 1 != $number) && ($ordered[$counter + 1]['indent'] > $ordered[$counter]['indent']) && $swmenufree['top_sub_indicator']) { $name = "
" . $name."
\n"; } switch ($ordered[$counter]['TARGET']) { case 1: $str .= '' . $name . ''; break; case 2: $str .= "" . $name . "\n"; break; case 3: $str .= '' . $name . ''; break; default: $str .= '' . $name . ''; break; } if ($counter + 1 == $number) { $doSubMenu = 0; $doMenu = 0; $str .= "
\n"; } elseif ($ordered[$counter + 1]['indent'] == 0) { $doSubMenu = 0; $str .= "
\n"; } else { $doSubMenu = 1; } $counter++; while ($doSubMenu) { if ($ordered[$counter]['indent'] != 0) { if ($ordered[$counter]['indent'] > $ordered[$counter - 1]['indent']) { if ($act && $sub_active && ($swmenufree['orientation'] == "vertical/right")) { $str .= '
'; } else { $str .= '
'; } } $ordered[$counter]['URL'] = str_replace('&', '&', $ordered[$counter]['URL']); $name = ($ordered[$counter]['TITLE']); if (($counter + 1 == $number) || ($ordered[$counter + 1]['indent'] == 0)) { $doSubMenu = 0; } $style = " style=\""; $classname = "item2"; if ($ordered[$counter]['indent'] > $ordered[$counter - 1]['indent']) { $classname .= " first"; } if (($counter + 1 == $number) || islastFree($ordered, $counter)) { $classname .= " last"; } if (($counter + 1 != $number) && ($ordered[$counter + 1]['indent'] > $ordered[$counter]['indent']) && $swmenufree['sub_sub_indicator']) { $name = "" . $name; } $style .= "\" "; switch ($ordered[$counter]['TARGET']) { case 1: $str .= '' . $name . ''; break; case 2: $str .= "" . $name . "\n"; break; case 3: $str .= '' . $name . ''; break; default: $str .= "" . $name . "\n"; break; } if (($counter + 1 == $number) || ($ordered[$counter + 1]['indent'] < $ordered[$counter]['indent'])) { $str .= str_repeat('
', (($ordered[$counter]['indent']) - (@$ordered[$counter + 1]['indent']))); } $counter++; } } } $str .= "

\n"; $str .= " \n"; $str .= "\n"; return $str; } function SuperfishMenuFree($ordered, $swmenufree) { $live_site = JURI::base(); if (substr($live_site, (strlen($live_site) - 1), 1) == "/") { $live_site = substr($live_site, 0, (strlen($live_site) - 1)); } if (substr($live_site, (strlen($live_site) - 13), 13) == "administrator") { $live_site = substr($live_site, 0, (strlen($live_site) - 14)); } if (substr($live_site, (strlen($live_site) - 1), 1) != "/") { $live_site =$live_site."/" ; } $name = ""; $counter = 0; $doMenu = 1; //$uniqueID = $swmenufree['id']; $number = count($ordered); $topcount = 0; $str = "
\n"; if ($swmenufree['orientation'] == "horizontal") { $str.= "
    \n"; } else { $str.= "
      \n"; } while ($doMenu) { if ($ordered[$counter]['indent'] == 0) { $ordered[$counter]['URL'] = str_replace('&', '&', $ordered[$counter]['URL']); $name = $ordered[$counter]['TITLE']; if (($counter + 1 != $number) && ($ordered[$counter + 1]['indent'] > $ordered[$counter]['indent']) && $swmenufree['top_sub_indicator']) { $name = "" . $name; } if ($swmenufree['orientation'] == "vertical") { // $str.= " \n"; } $act = 0; if (islastFree($ordered, $counter)) { if (($ordered[$counter]['ID'] == $swmenufree['active_menu'])) { $str.= "
    • \n"; $act = 1; } else { $str.= "
    • \n"; } } else { if (($ordered[$counter]['ID'] == $swmenufree['active_menu'])) { $str.= "
    • \n"; $act = 1; } else { $str.= "
    • \n"; } } $topcount++; switch ($ordered[$counter]['TARGET']) { // cases are slightly different case 1: // open in a new window if (islastFree($ordered, $counter)) { $str.= '' . $name . ''; } else { $str.= '' . $name . ''; } break; case 2: // open in a popup window if (islastFree($ordered, $counter)) { $str.= "" . $name . "\n"; } else { $str.= "" . $name . "\n"; } break; case 3: // don't link it if (islastFree($ordered, $counter)) { $str.= '' . $name . ''; } else { $str.= '' . $name . ''; } break; default: // formerly case 2 // open in parent window if (islastFree($ordered, $counter)) { $str.= "" . $name . "\n"; } else { $str.= "" . $name . "\n"; } break; } if ($counter + 1 == $number) { $doSubMenu = 0; $doMenu = 0; //$str.= "
      \n"; } elseif ($ordered[$counter + 1]['indent'] == 0) { $doSubMenu = 0; //$str.= "
      \n"; } else { $doSubMenu = 1; } $counter++; while ($doSubMenu) { if ($ordered[$counter]['indent'] != 0) { if ($ordered[$counter]['indent'] > $ordered[$counter - 1]['indent']) { $str.= "
        \n"; } $ordered[$counter]['URL'] = str_replace('&', '&', $ordered[$counter]['URL']); $name = $ordered[$counter]['TITLE']; if (($counter + 1 == $number) || ($ordered[$counter + 1]['indent'] == 0)) { $doSubMenu = 0; //$str.= " \n"; } //$style=" style=\""; $li_class = ""; $a_class = "item2"; if (($counter + 1 == $number) || islastFree($ordered, $counter)) { $a_class.=" last"; } if ($ordered[$counter]['indent'] > $ordered[$counter - 1]['indent']) { $a_class.=" first"; } if (($counter + 1 != $number) && ($ordered[$counter + 1]['indent'] > $ordered[$counter]['indent']) && $swmenufree['sub_sub_indicator']) { $name = "" . $name; } $li_class = "sf-" . $ordered[$counter]['ID'] . ""; $str.="
      • "; switch ($ordered[$counter]['TARGET']) { // cases are slightly different case 1: // open in a new window $str.= '' . $name . ''; break; case 2: // open in a popup window $str.= "" . $name . "\n"; break; case 3: // don't link it $str.= '' . $name . ''; break; default: // formerly case 2 // open in parent window $str.= "" . $name . "\n"; break; } if (($counter + 1 == $number) || ($ordered[$counter + 1]['indent'] < $ordered[$counter]['indent'])) { $str .= str_repeat("
      \n", (($ordered[$counter]['indent']) - (@$ordered[$counter + 1]['indent']))); if ((@$ordered[$counter + 1]['indent'] > 0)) { $str .= "
    • \n"; } } else if ((@$ordered[$counter + 1]['indent'] <= $ordered[$counter]['indent'])) { $str .= " \n"; } $counter++; } } $str.= " \n"; } //$str.= " \n"; if ($swmenufree['orientation'] == "vertical") { //$str.= " \n"; } if ($counter == ($number)) { $doMenu = 0; } } //if ($swmenufree['orientation']=="horizontal"){$str.= " \n";} $str .= "

\n"; if ($swmenufree['sub_width'] > 0) { $str.="\n"; return $str; } function islastFree($array, $id) { $this_level = $array[$id]['indent']; $last = 0; $i = $id + 1; $do = 1; while ($do) { if (@$array[$i]['indent'] < $this_level || $i == count($array)) { $last = 1; } if (@$array[$i]['indent'] <= $this_level) { $do = 0; } $i++; } return $last; } function swmenuGetBrowserFree() { $br = new swBrowserFree; // echo substr($br->Name.$br->Version,0,5); return($br->Name . $br->Version); } function inAgentFree($agent) { global $HTTP_USER_AGENT; $notAgent = strpos($HTTP_USER_AGENT, $agent) === false; return !$notAgent; } function fixPaddingFree(&$swmenufree) { $padding1 = explode("px", $swmenufree['main_padding']); $padding2 = explode("px", $swmenufree['sub_padding']); for ($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++) { $padding1[$i] = trim(@$padding1[$i]); $padding2[$i] = trim(@$padding2[$i]); } if ($swmenufree['main_width'] != 0) { $swmenufree['main_width'] = ($swmenufree['main_width'] - ($padding1[1] + $padding1[3])); } if ($swmenufree['main_height'] != 0) { $swmenufree['main_height'] = ($swmenufree['main_height'] - ($padding1[0] + $padding1[2])); } if ($swmenufree['sub_width'] != 0) { $swmenufree['sub_width'] = ($swmenufree['sub_width'] - ($padding2[1] + $padding2[3])); } if (@$swmenufree['sub_width'] != 0) { $swmenufree['sub_height'] = ($swmenufree['sub_height'] - ($padding2[0] + $padding2[2])); } return($swmenufree); } function sw_getactiveFree($ordered){ $current_itemid = trim( JRequest::getVar( 'Itemid', 0 ) ); $current_id = trim( JRequest::getVar( 'id', 0 ) ); $current_task = trim( JRequest::getVar( 'task', 0 ) ); $menu_items =& JSite::getMenu(); $cur_option = trim(JRequest::getVar('option', 0)); if (($cur_option == "com_virtuemart")) { $prod_id = trim(JRequest::getVar('virtuemart_product_id', 0)); $cat_id = trim(JRequest::getVar('virtuemart_category_id', 0)); if(!$prod_id){$prod_id=trim(JRequest::getVar('product_id', 0));} if(!$cat_id){$cat_id=trim(JRequest::getVar('category_id', 0));} //echo $prod_id; if ($prod_id) { $current_itemid = $prod_id + 100000; } else { $current_itemid = $cat_id +10000; } } if (!$current_itemid && $current_id){ if(preg_match( "/category/i" , $current_task)){ $current_itemid = $current_id+1000; }elseif(preg_match( "/section/i" , $current_task)){ $current_itemid = $current_id; } elseif(preg_match( "/view/i" , $current_task)){ $current_itemid = $current_id+10000; } } $indent=0; $parent_value = $current_itemid; $parent=1; $id=0; while ($parent){ for($i=0;$igetParams($row['ID']); $alias = $params->get( 'aliasoptions',$row['ID'] ); if ($row['ID']==$parent_value || $alias==$parent_value){ $parent_value = $row['PARENT']; $indent = $row['indent']; $id=$row['ID']; } } if (!$indent){ $parent=0; } } // echo $id; // $id=435; return ($id); } class swBrowserFree { var $Name = "Unknown"; var $Version = "Unknown"; var $Platform = "Unknown"; var $UserAgent = "Not reported"; var $AOL = false; function swBrowserFree() { $agent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']; // initialize properties $bd['platform'] = "Unknown"; $bd['swBrowserFree'] = "Unknown"; $bd['version'] = "Unknown"; $this->UserAgent = $agent; // find operating system if (preg_match("/win/i", $agent)) $bd['platform'] = "Windows"; elseif (preg_match("/mac/i", $agent)) $bd['platform'] = "MacIntosh"; elseif (preg_match("/linux/i", $agent)) $bd['platform'] = "Linux"; elseif (preg_match("/OS2/i", $agent)) $bd['platform'] = "OS/2"; elseif (preg_match("/BeOS/i", $agent)) $bd['platform'] = "BeOS"; // test for Opera if (preg_match("/opera/i", $agent)) { $val = stristr($agent, "opera"); if (preg_match("//i", $val)) { $val = explode("/", $val); $bd['swBrowserFree'] = $val[0]; $val = explode(" ", $val[1]); $bd['version'] = $val[0]; } else { $val = explode(" ", stristr($val, "opera")); $bd['swBrowserFree'] = $val[0]; $bd['version'] = $val[1]; } // test for WebTV } elseif (preg_match("/webtv/i", $agent)) { $val = explode("/", stristr($agent, "webtv")); $bd['swBrowserFree'] = $val[0]; $bd['version'] = $val[1]; // test for MS Internet Explorer version 1 } elseif (preg_match("/microsoft internet explorer/i", $agent)) { $bd['swBrowserFree'] = "MSIE"; $bd['version'] = "1.0"; $var = stristr($agent, "/"); if (preg("/308|425|426|474|0b1/", $var)) { $bd['version'] = "1.5"; } // test for NetPositive } elseif (preg_match("/NetPositive/i", $agent)) { $val = explode("/", stristr($agent, "NetPositive")); $bd['platform'] = "BeOS"; $bd['swBrowserFree'] = $val[0]; $bd['version'] = $val[1]; // test for MS Internet Explorer } elseif (preg_match("/msie/i", $agent) && !preg_match("/opera/i", $agent)) { $val = explode(" ", stristr($agent, "msie")); $bd['swBrowserFree'] = $val[0]; $bd['version'] = $val[1]; // test for MS Pocket Internet Explorer } elseif (preg_match("/mspie/i", $agent) || preg_match('/pocket/i', $agent)) { $val = explode(" ", stristr($agent, "mspie")); $bd['swBrowserFree'] = "MSPIE"; $bd['platform'] = "WindowsCE"; if (preg_match("/mspie/i", $agent)) $bd['version'] = $val[1]; else { $val = explode("/", $agent); $bd['version'] = $val[1]; } // test for Galeon } elseif (preg_match("/galeon/i", $agent)) { $val = explode(" ", stristr($agent, "galeon")); $val = explode("/", $val[0]); $bd['swBrowserFree'] = $val[0]; $bd['version'] = $val[1]; // test for Konqueror } elseif (preg_match("/Konqueror/i", $agent)) { $val = explode(" ", stristr($agent, "Konqueror")); $val = explode("/", $val[0]); $bd['swBrowserFree'] = $val[0]; $bd['version'] = $val[1]; // test for iCab } elseif (preg_match("/icab/i", $agent)) { $val = explode(" ", stristr($agent, "icab")); $bd['swBrowserFree'] = $val[0]; $bd['version'] = $val[1]; // test for OmniWeb } elseif (preg_match("/omniweb/i", $agent)) { $val = explode("/", stristr($agent, "omniweb")); $bd['swBrowserFree'] = $val[0]; $bd['version'] = $val[1]; // test for Phoenix } elseif (preg_match("/Phoenix/i", $agent)) { $bd['swBrowserFree'] = "Phoenix"; $val = explode("/", stristr($agent, "Phoenix/")); $bd['version'] = $val[1]; // test for Firebird } elseif (preg_match("/firebird/i", $agent)) { $bd['swBrowserFree'] = "Firebird"; $val = stristr($agent, "Firebird"); $val = explode("/", $val); $bd['version'] = $val[1]; // test for Firefox } elseif (preg_match("/Firefox/i", $agent)) { $bd['swBrowserFree'] = "Firefox"; $val = stristr($agent, "Firefox"); $val = explode("/", $val); $bd['version'] = $val[1]; // test for Mozilla Alpha/Beta Versions } elseif (preg_match("/mozilla/i", $agent) && preg_match("/rv:[0-9].[0-9][a-b]/i", $agent) && !preg_match("/netscape/i", $agent)) { $bd['swBrowserFree'] = "Mozilla"; $val = explode(" ", stristr($agent, "rv:")); preg_match("/rv:[0-9].[0-9][a-b]/i", $agent, $val); $bd['version'] = str_replace("rv:", "", $val[0]); // test for Mozilla Stable Versions } elseif (preg_match("/mozilla/i", $agent) && preg_match("/rv:[0-9]\.[0-9]/i", $agent) && !preg_match("/netscape/i", $agent)) { $bd['swBrowserFree'] = "Mozilla"; $val = explode(" ", stristr($agent, "rv:")); preg_match("/rv:[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]/i", $agent, $val); $bd['version'] = str_replace("rv:", "", $val[0]); // test for Lynx & Amaya } elseif (preg_match("/libwww/i", $agent)) { if (preg_match("/amaya/i", $agent)) { $val = explode("/", stristr($agent, "amaya")); $bd['swBrowserFree'] = "Amaya"; $val = explode(" ", $val[1]); $bd['version'] = $val[0]; } else { $val = explode("/", $agent); $bd['swBrowserFree'] = "Lynx"; $bd['version'] = $val[1]; } // test for Safari } elseif (preg_match("/safari/i", $agent)) { $bd['swBrowserFree'] = "Safari"; $bd['version'] = ""; // remaining two tests are for Netscape } elseif (preg_match("/netscape/i", $agent)) { $val = explode(" ", stristr($agent, "netscape")); $val = explode("/", $val[0]); $bd['swBrowserFree'] = $val[0]; $bd['version'] = $val[1]; } elseif (preg_match("/mozilla/i", $agent) && !preg_match("/rv:[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]/i", $agent)) { $val = explode(" ", stristr($agent, "mozilla")); $val = explode("/", $val[0]); $bd['swBrowserFree'] = "Netscape"; $bd['version'] = $val[1]; } // clean up extraneous garbage that may be in the name $bd['swBrowserFree'] = preg_replace("[^a-z,A-Z]", "", $bd['swBrowserFree']); // clean up extraneous garbage that may be in the version $bd['version'] = preg_replace("[^0-9,.,a-z,A-Z]", "", $bd['version']); // check for AOL if (preg_match("/AOL/i", $agent)) { $var = stristr($agent, "AOL"); $var = explode(" ", $var); $bd['aol'] = preg_replace("[^0-9,.,a-z,A-Z]", "", $var[1]); } // finally assign our properties $this->Name = $bd['swBrowserFree']; $this->Version = $bd['version']; $this->Platform = $bd['platform']; // $this->AOL = $bd['aol']; //echo $this->Name; } } function sw_stringToObject2($data) { $obj= new stdClass(); $lines = explode("\n", $data); // Process the lines. foreach ($lines as $line) { // Trim any unnecessary whitespace. $line = trim($line); // Ignore empty lines and comments. if (empty($line) || ($line{0} == ';')) { continue; } // Check that an equal sign exists and is not the first character of the line. if (!strpos($line, '=')) { // Maybe throw exception? continue; } // Get the key and value for the line. list ($key, $value) = explode('=', $line, 2); // Validate the key. if (preg_match('/[^A-Z0-9_]/i', $key)) { // Maybe throw exception? continue; } // If the value is quoted then we assume it is a string. $length = strlen($value); if ($length && ($value[0] == '"') && ($value[$length - 1] == '"')) { // Strip the quotes and Convert the new line characters. $value = stripcslashes(substr($value, 1, ($length - 2))); $value = str_replace('\n', "\n", $value); } else { // If the value is not quoted, we assume it is not a string. // If the value is 'false' assume boolean false. if ($value == 'false') { $value = false; } // If the value is 'true' assume boolean true. elseif ($value == 'true') { $value = true; } // If the value is numeric than it is either a float or int. elseif (is_numeric($value)) { // If there is a period then we assume a float. if (strpos($value, '.') !== false) { $value = (float) $value; } else { $value = (int) $value; } } } $obj->$key = $value; } // Cache the string to save cpu cycles -- thus the world :) return $obj; } ?>